"Multifarious Visions from the Sonic Margins"
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Reed Streams
A track from Sub Loam's Concise Dictionary of Plants kicks off the latest mix from our friends over at the Kosmiche Club... There's Conrad Schnitzler, Cosey Fanni Tutti, Palais Schaumberg and more in there, too.
Listen here: http://www.mixcloud.com/Kosmische/the-kosmische-club-kosmik-elektronik-part-1/
Monday, 20 January 2014
Airplay for Today
Friend of the label Richard Cunliffe played track three from Sub Loam's A Concise Dictionary of Plants and Their Uses on last Thursday's 'It's Just Music Baby' show on Sound Art Radio in Devon.
The whole show is available on Soundcloud to listen to for your delectation and enjoyment https://soundcloud.com/its-just-music-baby/its-just-music-baby-on
Thursday, 16 January 2014
Three of a Perfect Pair
A Trio of Recent Reviews...
As a reminder that Space Capsule is still orbiting sound systems in living rooms across Europe (and also that there are a couple of foil-fresh copies still available from here and from Boomkat) here are two lovely reviews, the first from hisvoice magazine in the Czech Republic and the second from Bad Alchemy in Germany, both of whom have also reviewed previous Dissolving albums favourably.
Space Capsule: Space Capsule
Thomas Shrubsole se na debutovém albu svého projektu Space Capsule pouští zostra na území free jazzu a kosmické elektroniky. Domácí produkce pomocí dvojkazeťáku není prezentována jako znouzectnost, ale jako záměrné vyznání neutuchajícího páskového futurismu. Pod nánosy páskového šumu zní prolínání mírně hysterického saxofonu, klavíru a zklidněné elektroniky tak nějak zaobleněji, bez ostrých hran, a i když je hudba dosti energická a nespoutaná, tak celkové vyznění alba má zvláštně meditativní charakter. Občasné zavytí syntezátoru, zvuková mračna a prapodivné atmosféry dotváří silně kosmické ladění a třeba dodat, že se nejedná o žádnou levnou, podbízivou psychedelii, ale o řádně mimozemský úlet.Postupné opakování spojené s pomalou destrukcí klavírního motivu v první skladbě 1 může sloužit jako chvilková jistota, ale o náhlé změny na albu vůbec není nouze. Repetice se náhle odebéře kamsi, aby se meditativní nálady ještě více rozvinuly ve zpomalených zvukových mlhách zaechovaného saxofonu, občasného úderu do klaviatury a ztišených syntezátorových efektech. Shrubsole se nebojí vedle sebe stavět melodické a disonantní linky z útrob saxofonu, ale výsledek nezní nikdy zmateně a Shrubsole se suverenitou sobě vlastní vytváří neobydlené zvukové světy. Strhující závěr první skladby v taylorovské kadenci je nepochybně vrcholem alba, zatímco druhá skladba se posouvá spíš dále do vod zklidněného meditativního zvuku, nikdy však neupadá do určitého druhu podbízivosti, kterou lze najít v žánrové škatulce "ambient". Podivně rezonující klavírní úvod skladby 2 může krátce připomenout Basinskiho páskové orgie, nicméně dlouho se nezastaví na místě, a po chvíli zamíří zpět do oblasti free improvizace. Syntezátor se prolíná s klavírem a pod vrstvou efektů může posluchač nacházet stále nové zvukové nuance.
Nazývat tuto muziku jako kosmický jazz, či po anglicku "space jazz" může znít jako stokrát omleté klišé, ale svádí k tomu jak název projektu, celkové mimozemské vyznění desky. Pokud plánujete v brzké době opuštění sluneční soustavy, toto album může být na cestě velmi příjemným společníkem.
Jan Sůsa
SPACE CAPSULE Space Capsule (Dissolving Records, Henge 009, CD-R w/ A3 poster): Thomas Shrubsole ist einer, der im Himmel wie auf Erden zugange ist, unten als Sub Loam und In the Field, oben als Jesus on Mars oder Space Capsule. Wobei sein Oben Kopfsache ist, nicht eine Frage von Hightech oder Weltabkehr. Drei Instrumentalstimmen mischen sich, umgarnen sich: Das schreitende und repetierte Klimpern eines Pianos, die Klangspuren eines Keyboards, die träumerischen und kaskadierenden Tonfolgen eines Sopransaxophons, bisweilen gefolgt von seinem Echo oder Doubles. Das mischt sich vielschichtig, um nicht zu sagen mehr und mehr chaotisch. Klingt aber dann doch nicht so (so chaotisch), weil alle Stimmen dezent, luftig, versponnen weder unter sich um die Oberhand ringen, noch auf Aufmerksamkeit pochen. Es geht da eher eine schleichende Eindringlichkeit von diesem Klanggeflecht aus. Eine ätherische, liquide, psychedelische Suggestivität, wie sie für gewisse weltoffene und luftige Formen von Jazz der Hippiejahre nicht untypisch gewesen ist. Erst als crescendierendes Finale wühlt sich das Piano cecil-tayloresk in sämliche Gehirnwindungen. 'Space Capsule 2' beginnt mit einem prickelnden Geräusch und von feinsten Keyboardsounds umschweiftem Einfingerpiano. Ein hubschrauberndes Wummern mischt sich leise ein und überträgt dem Keyboard sein Wummermotiv. Die Finger klopfen dazu erratische und dissonante Noten, in zunehmender Häufung, raunend, trillernd kaskadierend. In der 10. Min. setzt auch das Soprano ein, mit wieder träumerischen und kaskadierenden Wellen. In einer Wellenlänge, nicht weit von denen auch Evan Parkers elektroakustische Abenteuer schwingen. Und fällt der Blick nach oben, ziehen da Wolken, faszinierender als jedes Ufo.
[BA 79 rbd]
Plenty more great reviews in that issue of Bad Alchemy, as always, I can thoroughly recommend picking up a copy.
On to newer pastures Frans de Waard has reviewd Sub Loam's Concise Dictionary of Plants in the latest Vital Weekly http://www.vitalweekly.net/915.html
Thomas Shrubsole is an active person, working with such guises as Jesus On Mars and Space Capsule (the latter reviewed in Vital Weekly 902) and Sub Loam. His releases are in a small edition, but recently also started to look better. Here with a larger print on cardboard and the CDR packed in another print, folded around the CDR itself. There are three pieces on this release, with a total length of sixteen minutes. That's not much, I was thinking, when playing this. The website learns me this is "Composed and played by Sub Loam using organic, acoustic and electro-mechanical instruments and means, composted direct to 4-track tape." Nice; composted. However, when I first played this, I was thinking that the opening piece, the longest of the three, was made with the use of a saxophone, multi tracked and processed using computer means. A bit like Lol Coxhill once did, on his split release with Eyeless In Gaza, but less jazzy. Maybe another point of reference would be Nurse With Wound with a more sparse use of resources. A tape collage of saxophone sounds. But then perhaps I am all wrong, and I happen not to know what these organic, acoustic and electro-mechanical instruments are. Of course you could as easily argue it is not really interesting to know these things. Do I like what I hear? Yes I do. Do I care what how it was made? Not really (and when I wrote this before someone said "so you also don't care your shoes are made in a third world sweatshop?" - it seems something different to me, entirely). Like Space Capsule this is vaguely rooted in the world of jazz, but then, perhaps, also connected to the world of musique concrete - more that than jazz, I was musing. Excellent small release, great package, but way too short, I'd say. (FdW)
It is included on the podcast, too, here: http://www.vitalweekly.net/915.mp3
Many thanks to Jan, Rigo and Frans for taking the time to listen and write such lovely things about Dissolving music...
As ever, to order any Dissolving releases simply drop an email to dissolving (dot) records (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) uk
Friday, 10 January 2014
A Concise Dictionary of Plants and Their Uses - Available to order now.
Sub Loam's A Concise Dictionary of Plants and Their Uses is now available from
Boomkat: http://boomkat.com/cds/904978-sub-loam-a-concise-dictionary-of-plants-their-uses
Norman Records: http://www.normanrecords.com/records/144883-sub-loam-a-concise-dictionary-of-plants
And direct from Dissolving by contacting the usual email address.
Remember, as ever, whether you are new to Dissolving or have been enjoying our music for a while, you can stay up to date with releases, special editions, exclusives etc. by joining the Dissolving Mailing list. Send an email with 'Mailing List' as the subject or in the body of the mail and you will be added to the list.
Boomkat: http://boomkat.com/cds/904978-sub-loam-a-concise-dictionary-of-plants-their-uses
Norman Records: http://www.normanrecords.com/records/144883-sub-loam-a-concise-dictionary-of-plants
And direct from Dissolving by contacting the usual email address.
Remember, as ever, whether you are new to Dissolving or have been enjoying our music for a while, you can stay up to date with releases, special editions, exclusives etc. by joining the Dissolving Mailing list. Send an email with 'Mailing List' as the subject or in the body of the mail and you will be added to the list.
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
New Sub Loam Available from Friday (10/01/14) in Shops
Sub Loam's latest, A Concise Dictionary of Plants and Their Uses will be available to purchase from the end of this week at http://www.normanrecords.com/ and http://boomkat.com/
Keep an eye on the weekly mailouts!
As always you are also always welcome to order direct from the label, mail for prices.
Keep an eye on the weekly mailouts!
As always you are also always welcome to order direct from the label, mail for prices.
Sunday, 5 January 2014
New Release January 2014
Sub Loam - A Concise Dictionary of Plants and Their Uses
Sub Loam returns with a new release for 2014, a limited art edition 3" CDr containing three herbal vignettes
dedicated to the soil, the sun and the foliate filaments linking them. Composed and
played by Sub Loam using organic, acoustic and electro-mechanical instruments
and means, composted direct to 4-track tape.
Three chlorocentric worlds in miniature.
This edition is packed in
folded paper sleeve of one of 5 designs printed both sides with unique artwork by Sub Loam. Each copy also contains a hand-numbered art print suitable for
framing also designed by the artist. Hand-numbered edition of 40.
Sub Loam - A Concise Dictionary of Plants and Their Uses (Henge 010)
Released: 10/01/14
1 - 7.21
2 - 4.43
3 - 3.32
Copies are £13 each, P&P in the UK is £1.50, Europe £3.50, Americas £4.70, R.O.W. £5.00
Email dissolving (dot) records (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) uk to order or to add yourself to the mailing list
3" CDr,
A Concise Dictionary of Plants and Their Uses,
Art Edition,
Dissolving Records,
Henge 010,
Limited Edition,
Ruderal Memory,
Sub Loam
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